12 months - 12 stamps

    Spain  2019.07.01

    In issue: Stamp(s): 1   

    Printing: offset on self-adhesive phosphorescent paper

    Issued in: sheets of 50 (5*10) stamps each

  • Perforation type: 13 ¼x13


    Tariff A - suitable for paying a standard 20-gram shipment in Spain. At the time of release of the stamp in circulation - 60 cents.

    The letter Z is the capital letter of the province of Zaragoza, the autonomous region of the same name and province capital*


    *In July, the 12 MONTHS, 12 STAMPS, 12 PROVINCES series features the province of Zaragoza. The province is located at a natural crossroads, occupying the central strip of Aragon in the north east of the Iberian Peninsula.

    The villages proudly display the vestiges of the cultures that have distinguished its history and unique way of life. Iberians, Romans, Muslims, Jews and Christians have marked the development of this region.

    Yet the symbol is not traditional, but now more and more appearing and remembered in the province are wind farms.

    Energetic group Iberdrola chaired by Ignacio Sánchez Galán plans to invest 8,000 million euros in Spain in the 2018-2022 period to lead the energy transition and boost renewable energies.

    The company plans to start up 3,000 MW of renewable energy in the country by 2022, 52% more than its current wind and solar capacity.