Spanish Cinema

    Spain  2012.04.26

    In issue: Stamp(s): 3   

    Printing: Offset

    Issued in: sheets of 50 (10*5) stamps

  • Perforation type: 14x14


    36 cents. Portrait of Fernando Rey* with Don Quixote and a windmill on the background


    *Fernando Casado Arambillet, known as Fernando Rey (La Coruña, 1917-Madrid, 1994) was one of the most versatile actors. The first major role it had in Eugenie (1944), where her acting skills were evident. He worked with directors as well known as Juan Antonio Bardem, Luis Garcia Berlanga, Carlos Saura and Luis Buñuel, among others. With the latter acted in Viridiana (1961), The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) and That Obscure Object of Desire (1977). Interpreter of over 170 films, worked with international filmmakers like Orson Welles and Bertrand Tavernier. To let the unforgettable TV series of Don Quixote (1990), directed by Manuel Gutierrez Aragon. Among his awards include the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival (1977) for his role in Elisa, My Love and two Silver Shells in the Festival of San Sebastian.


    Information was taken from the official issue booklet