Number by catalogue: Yvert: C2694 Scott: BK178
Perforation type: 14 ¾x14 ¼
Prestige-booklet with 10 pages. 6 of which - the description of historical events of 200-years prescription, and 4 pages - souvenir sheets with the stamps. Two of them include definitive stamps of 1993 and 1997, and stamp of 2001 with a flag of Royal Navy. On two souvenir sheets 6 stamps from the present release are used.
On two pages of description Trafalgar Battle have been presented a comical images of the French ships on which instead of sails windmills have been used
200th Anniversary of Trafalgar Battle. Death of Nelson
Great Britain 2005.10.18
In issue: Stamp(s): 6 Souvenir sheet(s): 1 Booklet(s): 1