Number by catalogue: Michel: 1522 Yvert: 1461 Scott: 653
Perforation type: 11 ½x11 ½
2 franks. The windmills in Bokrijk*
*Bokrijk is a provincial domain in Limburg, Belgium, situated near the city of Genk. It is mainly known for its open air museum. The domain of Bokrijk is some 5.5 ha large and consist of woods, gardens, farmland and ponds. The large playground is a real treat for children.
Most of all, the Bokrijk Open Air Museum is known for its magnificent collection of old Flemish houses and farms. A large part of the Flemish countryside must have look like this around 1850. You can walk through the entire park and admire the cottages and farms of the different Flemish provinces : East and West Flanders, The Campine region, Brabant, and of course Limburg.Since a few years, also a small old city can be admired, with a café in a cellar included.
In some of the houses local people portray the old professions of way back when (farmers, barbers, shoemakers, basketry makers, and so on...). In some of the farms restaurants have been installed, so that the visit can be combined with a good healthy traditional Flemish dish.
Definitive issue. Tourism
Belgium 1968.06.24
In issue: Stamp(s): 2
Printing: on phosphorescent paper
Issued in: sheets of 100 (10*10) stamps